Reputation Management: Boost Your Online Credibility with Law Firm Reviews

In a 2018 study a lawyer marketing company looked at how people choose attorneys online, 91% of respondents said that online ratings and law firm reviews mattered. A whopping 83% wouldn’t consider hiring a law firm with less than a 4- or 5-star rating (of 5).

Prospective clients look at both the star rating and the number of law firm ratings when making a decision to click through on a business listing. A large number of high ratings and positive reviews can outweigh a few negative reviews so an important part of your reputation management strategy should be to get more law firm reviews.

Google and Yelp are the most viewed sites, but your Facebook business page is also influential in boosting your online credibility. It should be part of your social media strategy. (Customer-reviewed law firm directories like Avvo and legal peer-review sites like Martindale-Hubbell also attract some viewers, but far fewer.)

Client testimonials on sites you don’t own carry more credibility than sites you do. Testimonials support the rating you’ve received and may help viewers decide which attorney at your firm they want to contact. (Customer testimonials on your own site have less authority but you have greater flexibility in how you can use that content.)

Consider both ratings and off-site reviews as an important customer conversion tool.

Get More Lawyer Reviews

Well-managed law offices consistently work to secure positive online ratings, but sometimes this essential task gets pushed to the bottom of the daily priorities. That’s where London Lawyer Marketing can help.

Clients can hire us to build a reputation management dashboard that’s easy to administer and helps your staff actively build your Google My Business reviews. (Asking for reviews is against Yelp’s Terms of Service, but not Google.) Alternately, we can manage the client outreach process for you using a contact list you supply after cases are closed.

Call us to talk about the help you need to get more law firm reviews: 866-485-1702.

Respond to or Remove Negative Online Reviews

Sometimes even good lawyers get bad reviews. An occasional bad review won’t do much damage and your response will be key to neutralizing its impact while also giving people some insights into you and your practice.

But suppose you didn’t deserve that bad review — it was a fake review posted by a former spouse, a former law partner, or a competitor. How do you remove a negative law firm review?

It’s not easy. At London Lawyer Marketing we provide reputation management services to help law firms address negative lawyer reviews. We can help you in three ways: by responding to negative reviews, by challenging negative reviews in order to get them removed, and by aggressively seeking new five star reviews. reveals, It takes roughly 40 positive customer experiences to undo the damage of a single negative review. The ratio is derived from a combination of human behavior, math, and logic.”

Providers like Google and Yelp can be very difficult to contact. One of our past law firm clients had a negative review on Google from a person who had never been a client. Working with a Google Business rep we were able to demonstrate that the law firm had never had a client by that name. The review was removed.

Contact London Lawyer Marketing

Whether you need help building positive ratings, or fighting or diffusing negative lawyer reviews, we can help. Call 866-485-1702 to talk with us. Or contact us online to schedule an in-person or online visit. We work with law firms throughout the United States of America.