Video Services: Video Production, Editing and Search Optimization

London Lawyer Marketing provides a full range of law firm marketing services for website, digital, print, and broadcast channels. There is no need to work with multiple vendors for different parts of your marketing campaign. We can handle it all, including video production, and editing. Call us to learn more: 866-485-1702.

Is It Cost-Effective to Add Law Firm Videos to Your Website?

Strictly speaking, your website doesn’t need to have video to be successful, but brief concise, and relevant videos can have some benefits for your clients. Research on the usage rates of law firm videos has found that:

  • Informational videos with useful information, located on practice area pages, receive the most views. For example, an attorney explaining how to prepare for court, or what information to bring to your first visit with your divorce attorney.
  • Conversational introduction videos, for the law firm or an attorney, can also attract viewership. For some prospective clients it may be helpful to get a sense of the person with whom they will be working.
  • Videos also have some search engine optimization value
  • Professionally produced, and edited videos on a lawyer website will increase conversions (more contacts). The prospective client has a chance to meet the attorney.

Video as Part of Social Media or Broadcast Advertising Campaigns

Short 6-11 second videos can be an important element of a social media campaign on Facebook, or in a search engine marketing pay-per-click campaign.

If your local marketing plan includes broadcast advertising, we can produce television and CTV ads, as well as the audio only for radio advertising.

We Make Video Easy

We’ll meet with you in advance to develop questions to ask you, or your law firm representative, so the person being interviewed can respond to an off-screen interviewer rather than reading from a teleprompter. It looks and sounds more natural. Then we do the post-production editing, add music and branding, and your video is ready for release.

Contact London Lawyer Marketing

Call 866-485-1702 to talk with us about adding video to your website or social media properties. We’re happy to show you examples of our work for other law firms. Or contact us online to schedule an in-person or online visit. We work with law firms throughout the United States of America.