Digital Marketing and Broadcast Advertising

London Lawyer Marketing is a full-service legal marketing agency. While we specialize in internet marketing, we understand that different geographic markets and legal practice areas offer require a mix of strategies which may include digitally targeted advertising and targeted broadcast advertising, and even radio broadcast.

Geographically and Demographically Targeted Law Firm Advertising

We work with select law firm clients on location-based and demographically targeted law firm advertising campaigns. We are able to target people in a specific geographic area who may have a specific legal need in order to deliver an advertisement to them. Call us to learn more about this service: 866-485-1702.

Targeted Television Advertising

We can bring the precision of digital marketing to television advertising with OTT/CTV ads. These short ads, run for a specific period of time, are designed to reach customers who are streaming content. With up to 50 online channels to choose from, you can target users based on interest, context, behaviors and geography. Unlike traditional television, these ad campaigns are highly targeted. When a user is served an ad, you can track webpage visits, form-fills, and more, for a clear measure of return on investment. These advertisements can be leverage with AdWord campaign, and a remarketing AdWord campaign.

CTV ad streaming is a fresh component of an overall legal marketing campaign. London Lawyer Marketing can provide demographic and geographic targeting, as well as video production services for your CTV ad.

Radio Advertising

In many geographic areas, radio advertising is still highly effective for some types of lawyers, particularly personal injury law and criminal defense. Although it’s more expensive than online marketing, radio advertising can reach a lot of people in a wide geographic area for increased name recognition.

Radio advertising typically isn’t a cost-effective stand-alone marketing strategy, but it can be part of an overall marketing campaign.

Contact London Lawyer Marketing

If you’d like to know whether radio advertising makes sense for your firm and location, call us at 866-485-1702. We’re happy to learn about your practice and run the numbers so you can make a good decision. Or contact us online to schedule an in-person or online visit. We work with law firms throughout the country.