Your Law Firm Brand: Your Identity in an Instant

Whether a client is on your website, visiting your law office, reading a letter from one of your attorneys, or checking out your Facebook page, they should be able to quickly discern that it is from your law firm. You have an identity as unique as a fingerprint.

At London Lawyer Marketing, we help new law firms develop their brand identity, and existing law firms rebrand or extend their brand across new elements of the visitor experience.

Our law firm brand design services include:

  • Logo design for immediate visual impact
  • Color palette selection
  • Graphic standards for image selection, presentation materials, and video production
  • Website design, digital content design for products like e-newsletters and print materials
  • Tagline creation for a motto that can be used with websites, brochures, and email signatures

Call us at 866-485-1702 to learn more about how we can help your law firm stand out in a crowded legal marketplace.

Your Brand Reflects You, It Doesn’t Define You

It seems like a simple matter to choose a few colors, a logo image, and a few words for a slogan. But a really good brand needs to be an authentic reflection of your firm’s voice and values. How does that look in real life?

Let’s say you’ve chosen to position your law firm as high-tech and cutting edge, with a gray color palette and an angular design. When a client starts working with your firm, they’re likely to expect the latest technology for file sharing and communications. You might want to include advanced communication features like WebChat on your website.

Suppose you are a family-friendly, dedicated but informal family law firm. You will want pictures of children on your site and your clients might expect that you can accommodate their children if they need to bring them to an appointment. If you do have a place for kids, include a picture, and content of that as well.

When you meet with us, we’ll ask about the characteristics that make your law firm unique, so we can create a brand that truly fits. We know there are clients in your geographic market who are looking for a lawyer just like you.

Contact London Lawyer Marketing

Call 866-485-1702 to talk with us about your law firm branding and visual identity. We can share examples of what we’ve done for other law firm clients. You can also contact us online to schedule an in-person or online visit. We work with law firms throughout the United States of America.