
Lawyer Marketing ROI

When it comes to law firm marketing, there's only one thing that really matters – return on investment (ROI). At London Lawyer Marketing, our team of experienced marketing and creative professionals deliver on plans that include strategies and tactics that maximize your marketing budget's bottom line. At the same time we can reach your target clients, geographic area and niche.

Law Firm Marketing is All We Do

We offer a full range of legal marketing services, including:

  • Law firm websites with impactful custom designs and search-optimized custom content – the home base for all of your online marketing efforts.
  • Law firm branding that creates an immediate impression.
  • Internet marketing that makes sense for your audience and goals: search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM) pay-per-click campaigns (PPC), local marketing, digital marketing to maximize your opportunity to rise to the top in your geographic area, and social media marketing that helps your satisfied customers recommend you to friends.
  • Customer conversion tools to turn visitors into callers and clients.
  • Traditional advertising channels with a new twist, like targeted CTV broadcasting, and geographic and behaviorally targeted advertising. We also provide audio and video production services.
  • Reputation management to enhance online credibility and manage negative lawyer reviews.

Contact London Lawyer Marketing

Call 469-215-6033 to talk with us about your marketing goals or contact us online to schedule an in-person or online visit. We work with law firms throughout the United States of America.

Why LLM for Your Law Firm

Know How are we different from other lawyer marketing companies.

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    LLM is responsive. It is rare that a person does not answer your call. If so, we are quick to return your call or emil

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    Proven Performance

    We can demonstrate in real time how we have helped another law firm with similar situational goals.

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    Strategic Consulting

    Our strategies, and tactics are designed to grow your firm in the specific area of law that you want to practice in.

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    Our agency is structured to execute or implement the plan, strategies, and tactics quickly. This is a distinguishing benefit to other choices that you have

Let's Discuss Your Competitive Situation and Opportunity

Contact Us

Professional Personal Service

Where Law and Business Meet

It has been our experience that the highly educated, and intelligent attorney workforce do not want to practice marketing. They want to practice law. That is where we step in. We gain a personal, clear understanding of the type of cases our client desires. Then based on their marketing budget we formulate a plan that include a specific strategy, and tactics to accomplish the goals within the attorney's budget. Below are some of the services to choose from.

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    Professional Website Design

    Our clients websites project an attractive professional image that deliver a strong message about the firm's unique character, establishes a strong brand, with an intuitive navigation.

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    Custom Content Development

    Each client's content is unique. Our client's content generates interest from potential clients demonstrating expertise and credibility in their particular area of law.

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    Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    Achieving good online visibility is imperative. Our search engine optimization ensures that the website is visible to the specific clientele of each of our clients.

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    Local Marketing including Google My Business

    Google My Business (GMB) is no longer an option. Local search results has been important, and will continue to be, especially with increased mobile use.

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    Google Ad Words (PPC/LSA)

    Google AdWords, aka pay per click (PPC) is another channel for driving traffic and potential new clients to your website. Local Service Ads (LSA) is a recent new channel.

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    Television including Over The Top (OTT) TV

    Some of our clients utilize over the top TV to reach a large number of prospective clients. OTT can have immediate results.

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    Branding / Logo Development

    Regardless of the media a potential new client is on they should be able to recognize the communication is from your firm.

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    Conversion Tools / WebChat

    Conversion tools are features on your website that increase the number of contacts from exisitng website traffic. Several conversion tools or features are WebChat, Text Chat, Hot Transfer, and Video.

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    Reputation Management

    The gross majority of potential new clients won't even consider hiring a lawyer or law firm that doesn't have at least four stars out of five stars.

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    Social Media Marketing

    FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn can be benfecial social media platforms to round out a comprehensive marketing strategy.

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    Radio Advertising

    Radio has a large geographic reach. If your law firm practice has a large target geography, radio can be an option exposing your brand to more people.

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    Email Marketing

    Email can be an effective tool to keep your brand, infront of your clients, exposing them to other areas of the law that your firm practices and how you can help their acquatances or family.

Accessible, Responsive and Focused on Your Bottom Line

Why hire a legal marketing consultant at a small, dedicated agency like ours? There's only one reason: SUPERIOR SERVICE.

When you call, we almost aways answer. If we're in a meeting or unable to, we will text you and call back. We take your call.

We're responsive: Need a change on your website? Generally that takes minutes, hours, or a day, not weeks, or months like some larger agencies.

We're focused on your success: We want to be your marketing partner for the long term, so your success is our success. We meet with our customers regularly to assess performance, suggest improvements, and respond to changes in your business.


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